Saturday, December 5, 2015

4 Must Know Things About Anosmia

The sense of smell is intricately related to the emotions, ability to taste and also your health. There are two odor-detecting patches in our nasal passages known as “olfactory receptors” that detect thousands of smells.

Anosmia or complete loss of smell is a common disorder that many Americans face. It is a temporary disorder that happens due to a stuffy nose from cold in most cases. The problem may turn into a serious medical condition for elderly people, and they should immediately see a smell loss specialist once the symptoms become evident.

Let's understand the reasons behind Anosmia and its severe effects:

1. What Are the Causes of Anosmia?

Nasal congestion due to cold, allergy and sinus infection are some of the common causes that lead to Anosmia. Some other reasons that cause Anosmia are:

  • Nasal polyps, which is a small noncancerous growth inside the nose and sinuses that blocks the nasal passage
  • Nose injury or an injury to the small nerves due to head trauma or surgery
  • Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medication, antidepressants and heart medications
  • Cocaine abuse
  • Old age
  • Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer, congenital conditions and hormonal imbalance
  • Exposure to radiation treatment during head and neck cancer treatment
  • Exposure to solvents, pesticides and other toxic chemicals.

2. Symptoms of Anosmia

An obvious symptom of anosmia is the loss of smell. Some patients might also notice a change in the way they smell certain things. If a patient experiences a loss of smell that doesn’t relate to any allergy or cold and doesn’t improve even after a week or two, it's advisable to consult a doctor immediately.

3. Effect of Anosmia on an Individual

Loss of smell may significantly affect the quality of life of an individual, which often results in poor nutrition and reduced appetite. There have been incidents wherein Anosmia patients showed the signs of depression. Loss of smell may tempt the patients to use more sugar or salt in their food intake to enhance the taste, and thus making them prone to diabetes or high blood pressure.

Anosmia not only affects the lifestyle of an individual, but it may also pose a threat to their safety. Inability to smell gas leakage or the burning smell of fire may put Anosmia patients in danger.

4. Treatment of Anosmia

If someone has caught Anosmia due to allergy or cold, there is no need to undergo any treatment as it gets resolved on its own. Over-the-counter decongestants open up the nasal passages and make breathing easier. If there is a Polyp growth inside the nasal passage, a doctor might recommend surgery to remove the obstruction. Quitting smoking is another way to prevent Anosmia from getting worse.


Anosmia or the loss of smell is a disorder that happens due to allergy, sinus and ageing. Let’s read more about the disease, its symptoms and ways to treat it.

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