Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Common Reasons That Lead To Acute Sinusitis

Image Credit: Mayo Clinic

Acute sinusitis is one of the common types of sinus infections and ignoring the problem leads to chronic sinusitis. Whether it is Texas or any other state, ENT specialists come across hundreds of thousands of cases of sinus infection every year. Sinus infection affects more than 37 million people in the U.S. every year. The post discusses some of the common reasons that cause acute sinusitis:


Cold is the beginning of most sinus infections and a virus is the main reason that causes cold. The nasal tissues swell during cold and block the holes that drain sinuses. Antibiotics don’t provide any relief for viral infection. A decongestant may be of some help, but it is advisable to avoid using it for more than four to five days.


Inflammation blocks nasal passages and prevents drainage, which is the reason why sinusitis and allergies are inter-related. An individual who is prone to hay fever or allergy needs to avoid mold and dust mites that trigger an allergic reaction. Over-the-counter antihistamines and nasal sprays may bring in some relief in such cases.


Nasal polyps are benign growths developing from sinus tissues and nose that could block the sinus cavities and prevent mucus from draining and causing a sinus infection. Nasal steroid sprays or oral steroids are useful to treat polyps and if both fail, the ENT specialist might suggest surgery.

Swimming and Diving

Individuals prone to sinusitis or congestion need to avoid spending long hours in chlorinated pools as chlorine irritates the sinuses and nasal lining. Diving also creates pressure, pushing water into sinuses and inflaming the tissue.


Frequent air travel aggravates sinuses because when air pressure reduces in the flight, it builds pressure in the head and blocks the sinuses. Individuals prone to sinus infections or with congestion problem need to use inhaler or decongestant nasal drop to clear the sinuses.


Cigar or cigarette smoke irritates the nose, resulting in inflammation and making an individual susceptible to sinusitis. Individuals who smoke have a damaged natural sinus-cleaning system, which makes them prone to sinus infections.

Dry Air

Mucus thickens and loses water if it stays in the nasal passage for a long time. Thickening of mucus could lead to a sinus infection. It is, therefore, better to keep the nose moist by drinking a lot of water and avoiding caffeinated drinks. If possible, keep the indoor air moist by using a humidifier.

The points discussed above are a few of the many reasons that lead to acute sinus infection. It is advisable to visit a doctor on noticing the symptoms of sinusitis because ignoring the problem for a few days can make it chronic.


Acute sinusitis could turn chronic if avoided. The post talks about the common reasons that lead to an acute infection.

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