Monday, April 25, 2016

Answering 4 FAQs about Sinusitis

Sinusitis, an infection of the sinuses, affects a substantial percentage of the American population. Many people ignore the problem even after the initial symptoms of this medical condition are explicitly clear. The reason is a lack of information. Sinusitis patients can lead perfectly normal lives if they consult certified rhinologists in time. It is also important for patients to know the nature of this medical condition, to ensure they seek help on time and live a healthy life. This brief read delves into four common questions people have about sinusitis, providing simple answers in all cases. Let’s take a look.

1. What is Sinusitis?

Sinusitis is a medical condition which results from the inflammation of the sinus lining. Things get out of hand when the inflammation blocks the sinus opening, thereby, interfering with drainage of the mucus. The symptoms of this medical condition are painful and can last anywhere between 4-12 weeks.

2. What are the symptoms of Sinusitis?

Some of the common symptoms that sinusitis patients experience are:
  1. Facial pain
  2. Swelling around the eyes, nose, and cheeks
  3. Inability/difficulty in breathing through the nose
  4. Severe and recurrent headaches
  5. Energy loss
  6. Continuous nasal discharge that can block the throat, making it sore

3. Which specialist should I consult?

General physicians and allergists can prescribe medication in normal cases, however, patients suffering from acute sinusitis should waste no time in consulting an ENT specialist/rhinologist specialist. ENT/Rhinologist specialists are the right medical professionals to help people with acute sinusitis. People with sinusitis can leverage numerous medication and treatment options from the medical professionals.

4. What treatment options are available?

  • Specialists may prescribe antibiotics and nasal steroid sprays in normal cases. Inhaling steam or using nasal sprays can also deliver favorable results. If the patients does not respond to the treatment, specialist may recommend surgery.
  • Traditional sinus surgery includes removing bone and tissue to expand the sinus opening to make sure it is wide enough to let the mucus pass. The procedure is painful and can also leave post treatment scars.
  • An effective and less painful alternative to the above procedure is Balloon Sinuplasty which includes placing a balloon into the nose and inflating it to alter the structure of the sinus opening.

Few Final Words

Although sinusitis is not a life-threatening condition, the condition of patients who avoid treatment can worsen over time. In extreme cases (although very rare) the infection can reach brain cells, creating grave complications. It is, therefore, imperative for patients to get in touch with a rhinologist specialist when the first symptoms of sinusitis surface. There are many touting their services as the best rhinologists in Houston, and therefore, you need to exercise caution.