Thursday, July 21, 2016

4 Unknown Activities that May be Causing Recurrent Sinus Infections

More than 37 million people in the US experience a few bouts of sinus infections in a year. Sinus infections keep coming back and gradually takes the shape of recurrent sinusitis. The symptoms of sinus lead to severe headaches, discomfort and an increase in facial pressure. If a person suffers from sinus infection, the first step is to relieve the symptoms followed by consulting a recurrent sinusitis expert. A few lifestyle changes may prevent the recurrence of sinusitis infections that remain unknown to the masses. The blog post discusses a few things to avoid that may prevent recurrent sinusitis infections. Here we go.

1. Smoking

Similar to air pollutants, cigarette smoke can irritate your nose and lead to sinus infection. People who smoke are at a higher risk of getting sinus infection. Nasal and sinus membranes produce one or two quarts mucus every day that acts as a protective blanket for the whole respiratory system. Tiny hair-like structures called cilia helps in purifying the sinus passages by cleaning particulate matter, microbes and excess mucus. Smoking may damage the cilia, aggravate mucus production and clog the sinus openings that become breeding grounds for microbial infection. Smoking also makes a person susceptible to frequent cold and allergies that may lead to sinus infections in future.

2. Swimming

Although swimming is a great physical activity, microbial presence and chlorine in the pool may lead to chronic and recurrent sinusitis infections. While swimming underwater can result in fluctuating pressure levels inside the sinus cavities causing nasal congestion, chemicals in the chlorine tend to enhance the mucus production. Excess mucus leads to blocking the sinus passages, accelerating the microbial infections to invite recurrent sinusitis infections. Moreover, liquid trapping inside the sinus passages may also worsen the sinus symptoms. Swimming and diving are not recommended for persons with a  sinusitis history. Consult a recurrent sinusitis expert who can suggest nasal irrigation methods or nose clips post swimming sessions if you face repeated instances of sinus infection.

3. Frequent Air Journeys

Air pressure reduces inside a flight, causing pressure buildup in the head and sinus cavities of a person. Although most individuals tend to get away with it, people with a history of sinus infections have a hard time dealing with headaches and sinus congestion. If a person has suffered from a few bouts of sinus infections, it is advisable to avoid air journeys. Many a time, air travel will be inevitable so it is advisable to consult a sinusitis expert to get a few nasal decongestants and sprays before the flight.

4. Overdoing Antibiotics and Nasal Sprays

Relying on antibiotics and nasal sprays to relieve recurrent sinus infections may at times cause more harm than providing relief. Prolonged use of nasal sprays and antibiotics may aggravate the symptoms. Overuse of nasal sprays may even cause rebound nasal congestion- a condition where a person becomes less sensitive to the effects of nasal spray and leading to a swollen nose.

The Way Forward

Lifestyle changes can help in relieving sinusitis to a great extent. If the symptoms aggravate beyond an extent, it is necessary to consult a sinusitis expert instead of trying home remedies or self-medication. The lifestyle changes may take some time to show an impact on recurrent sinus infections, but worth giving a shot.